La Jolla LASIK Institute Blog

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(858) 551-4100

The premier LASIK institute in San Diego


From the importance of regular eye exams to what to expect from your LASIK procedure, we’ve got you covered.


7 Reasons San Diego LASIK is Worth Every Penny

January 12, 2016

What Makes San Diego LASIK Surgery “Worth the Money” For Me?   When my friends hear I’ve had LASIK eye surgery, the first thing they think about is how much they’ve heard it costs, and so their first question to me is almost always, “Was it worth the money?” I honestly reply, “It was worth …

What Your Eyes Reveal About Your Health

January 5, 2016

Your eyes are not only Dzwindows to the soul,dz but they are also indicators of your overall health. How they look and how well they are functioning can be a major clue that tells you what is happening in other parts of your body. Some of the telltale signs that eyes give us when something …

What Should I Do About Blurred Vision?

January 5, 2016

When your eyesight becomes blurry, even for only a few moments, it can be a truly frightening experience. It is possible for something as simple as a dirty contact to cause blurred vision, but it can also result from serious eye conditions. It is crucial to know what might be causing your vision to blur …

Tips for Relieving Digital Eye Strain

January 5, 2016

With every passing year, use of digital devices like smartphones, tablets, laptops, desktops, and TV’s increases more and more. Unfortunately, digital eyestrain is increasing along with this reliance of modern technology. In fact, 70% of Americans over the age of 18 now report that they suffer, to some degree, from the effects of digital eyestrain. …

How Do Ocular Migraines Affect Vision?

January 5, 2016

The word Dzmigrainedz is immediately associated, in the minds of most, with an extremely painful headache, but ocular migraines are of a different sort. These migraines are painless and short-lived, but they cause your vision to become distorted and can cause much distress. We will look briefly below at the basic facts about ocular migraines …



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La Jolla LASIK

(858) 551-4100

9834 Genesee Avenue,
Suite 428
La Jolla, CA 92037

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