The premier LASIK institute in San Diego
From the importance of regular eye exams to what to expect from your LASIK procedure, we’ve got you covered.
The premier LASIK institute in San Diego
From the importance of regular eye exams to what to expect from your LASIK procedure, we’ve got you covered.
I have loved photography as long as I can remember. It is part of a continuum of everything I do involving vision and seeing. I was never the star student in art class as a kid — I never learned to draw — so when I was about 10 and we were given a choice …
Recently the British College of Optometrists have come out with an updated warning: people are putting their eyes at serious risk by skipping out on wearing protective goggles or shades when they hop into their local tanning bed. Tanning bed users, be warned! Any means of seeking the perfect tan, including tanning beds, can cause …
Continue reading “Tanning Bed Users: Watch Out for Your Eyes”
Swimming, hot tubbing, and showering – what do all three of these activities have in common? If you wear contacts, the answer to this question is not necessarily Happy Fun Water Time. Tap water, hot tub water, and the ocean can all harbor a little culprit known as Acanthamoeba, an amoeba (a microscopic, single celled …
Continue reading “Tap Water Poses Threat to Contact Lens Wearers”
What is Presbyopia? Presbyopia is a condition of the eye where a progressive loss of magnification ability results in the inability to see near objects. What causes it? Presbyopia is caused by the hardening of the crystalline lens of your eye and occurs in a predictable fashion as a result of the natural process of …
Continue reading “Short Arm Syndrome, or Why Can’t I See Anymore?”
Your child wakes up in the morning and cries out because she cannot open her eyes. You run to her and notice a thick lining of mucus along her eyelids. You wipe off her eyes with a damp towel and inspect further – what are normally the “whites” of her eyes are now an angry …
For a telemedicine consultation or for times beyond those shown below, call (858) 551-4100. If the phone counselor cannot give you the date or time you need, or you have a special request, ask to be transferred to the front desk.
9834 Genesee Avenue,
Suite 428
La Jolla, CA 92037