Use Your Pre-Tax Dollars to Pay for LASIK

October 11, 2017 • 1 comment

Do you know that you can use your FSA, HSA or MSA to pay for LASIK in San Diego?

The IRS has recognized LASIK as a valid medical expense  under code 213.  There are two major ways to take advantage of this:  1) Take the tax deduction, subject to IRS rules. 2) Use a FSA, MSA or HSA to pay for your LASIK tax-free!

How These Accounts Work

So, how do you go about using these accounts to pay for LASIK?

If you’re thinking about getting LASIK in San Diego but worried about the cost, just remember that there are tons of options out there that will make it more affordable for you.  Do you need 0% financing?  That’s what we’ll get for you.  Your pre-tax dollars can be put toward paying for your surgery and LASIK is considered tax-deductible by the IRS.

You should also come in for a free consultation to discover LASIK eye surgery San Diego cost. Know all your options when you fund your FSA account!

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